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On the journal today, herbalist-in-training and wellness writer Sara Weinreb shares a simple muscle testing technique that may support you to understand your body’s tonic needs at any moment. A powerful way to connect inward, muscle testing is a tool that may help fine tune your body’s ability to connect with what it’s craving.

As a mindful living enthusiast turned herbalist-in-training, I find deep importance and beauty in what nature provides for us. Herbs have been a key element in my personal healing journey, after being diagnosed with a chronic form of cancer at age 29. Herbs have provided me with immune support, energetic support and have helped my body adapt to stress.

As an herb enthusiast and wellness writer, I am grateful that my herbal pantry is abundant. At the same time, they can be overwhelming— where to start? What should I take today? 

Recently, as part of leaning into using my intuition in all aspects of my life, I’ve turned to a simple exercise while determining what to include in my morning elixir: muscle testing.

As someone who is often skeptical, yet optimistic about new modalities, I’m always a bit hesitant to tap into something new— and I understand if you are too! Muscle testing, to me, is generally safe and using this technique most likely won’t steer you wrong— it’s a fun, simple way to connect inwards. In a pantry filled with herbs, muscle testing allows me to ask myself daily what herbs my body will find most supportive. The tool itself is useful for any supplements, food products or really anything you are looking for to connect inwards to get an answer to!

There are many ways to self- muscle test, but I have found the most ease in standing up straight, holding the herb in my hands, closing my eyes and asking myself “do I want this?” For me, if it’s a yes, I will move towards the item, and if it’s a no, I will move away from the item. Sometimes the movement is very subtle, while other times it’s much clearer.

I’ll often start to see themes— for a week my body will say “yes” to one adaptogen, and the next week it will move to another, while some remain consistent; some change daily. I even like to use this technique while shopping for supplements at the health food store!

Whether muscle testing feels relevant to you or not, it can be both fun and a meaningful ritual to connect inwards and to use your intuition to guide you towards which adaptogens and herbs speak to you. This way you aren’t just dumping powders into a drink out of habit, but rather, making an intentional connection to what you are putting into your body daily. You are also showing your body that you are listening to it and supporting it with the products  that will be most beneficial to you in the moment. If it seems a bit out there for you, that’s okay— just try it and see how it feels.

Here’s my morning elixir as of late...

Intuitive Morning Blend


12oz herbal coffee brew (I love Rasa)

1 tbsp. Anandamide

1/4 tsp. Pearl 

1/2 tsp. Mucuna Pruriens

1 tbsp. raw cacao 

1 tsp. coconut oil

Pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt

Drizzle of Bio-Active Honey



Blend all ingredients together until frothy & creamy

In Joy


Muscle test the ingredients daily and see what comes through! 

Sara Weinreb

Sara Weinreb is a writer, business strategist, and herbalist, and the founder of IMBY, a virtual community center for people who care about co-creating a more just and equitable future. Sara’s writing has been featured in Forbes, healthyish, mindbodygreen, USA Today, Cherry Bombe, The Fullest, and AlleyWatch, amongst others. Sara has consulted to EILEEN FISHER on their woman-owned business grant program, abc carpet & home on their environmental and social impact initiatives, and served as Vice President of Programs and Strategy at PresenTense, a social entrepreneurship accelerator where she worked with over 300 entrepreneurs on building their mission-driven businesses, including developing design thinking curriculum. Sara previously founded an ethical fashion company. When she’s not writing and shopping in the bulk section of health food stores, you can often find Sara on the yoga mat, making herbal elixirs, singing karaoke, and attempting to keep alive her growing collection of plants. A New Yorker, Sara relocated to Denver, Colorado in search of more space and a slower pace of living.

Sara Weinreb

Founder, IMBY, a virtual community center for people who care about co-creating a more just and equitable future |  @saraweinreb