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Dear Sun Potion — dear sun potion

Transformational Foods for a Transformational Life

Welcome to the journal - an online, intersectional wellness platform - to connect, educate and inspire our international community.

I have Sjogrens Syndrome and would like to treat it naturally without stimulating my immune system further. What would be good for this?

Hi there...thank you for writing in and sharing with us! Since we are not doctors and are not very familiar with this autoimmune syndrome, we would recommend consulting an herbalist if possible who can work with uniquely with you to find the best available plants that may be supportive. Most adaptogens do stimulate the immune system so working closely with an herbalist is the best way to go to see what may work specifically for you.

Is the Honey raw honey or is it heated? Where is the honey sourced? Thanks!

Hi there! This new super honey we are offering is raw - not heated. You can learn all about this amazing honey here! This honey is made by some of the healthiest bee colonies in the world! They live in pristine forests in the wilds of Western Australia, in a unique bio-secure habitat. Beautiful bees forage for pollen in abundant flowering Marri trees. You can learn all about it on our site! We hope you get to experience this amazing super honey!

Is it safe to take Reishi and/or Ashwagandha along with Zoloft?

Hi there! We recommend reaching out directly to a practitioner or herbalist who may be familiar with prescription medication alongside tonic herbs or adaptogens. Since we are not doctors, we cannot provide any medical advice. We know lots of individuals who successfully incorporate bothprescription medication and adaptogens into their routines but again, everyone is different and reaching out to a practitioner is the way to go!

What do you recommend for breastfeeding mamas?

Hi! We would be happy to offer some guidance on adaptogens while breastfeeding... Since we are not herbalists, we recommend consulting one as everyone has a different experience with the herbs, especially during this special time!  We recommend looking further into Moringa, a superfood often used to support milk flow/production for breastfeeding mothers and also He Shou Wu. Some others to check out would include our medicinal mushrooms, like Reishi, Cordyceps and Lion's Mane!

Can you direct me towards pregnancy and post-partum friendly adaptogens and sun potions? Thank you!

Hi there! Thank you for asking...because we are not health care providers, we cannot provide any medical advice, but we can refer you to Minka Robinson, a family acupuncturist and herbal alchemist working in Santa Barbara, California, who works with us and focuses on fertility and pregnancy/breastfeeding questions. She can advise you on what herbs may be best during this time. We invite you to contact Minka and set up time to talk, either through her website, Additionally, some wonderful herbs to research further for postpartum include: Moringa, Ashitaba, He Shou Wu, Reishi and Chlorella.

Trying to make my first purchase and I suppose to get 15% off my first order from $345 would be helpful. Please advise.

Hey there! Please email us at so we can make sure your first order discount code works for you!  

I have something called idiopathic hypersomnia, which basically means I'm extremely sleepy all the time...

"'s like narcolepsy, but taking naps or sleeping a lot doesn't actually help. Do you have any potions that help with alertness and energy? Thank you so much!" Hey there, we definitely have tonic herbs and adaptogens that work to support alertness and energy. These include: White Dragon Matcha, Lion's Mane, He Shou Wu and Green Adaptogen too. You could try one of these or make a potion with a few of them! We often share potions for energy and mental clarity on our IG @sunpotion and you can always let us know if you have recipe questions! 

Is there a resource that will help with which items can be taken with others and how much?

Great question! YES is the short answer...this journal is a great place to start! You can also gather this information by doing research, reading books on Ayruveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine and also our instagram (@sunpotion) where were always sharing potions with ingredients that we love and that go well together. Also, when we do combine ingredients we like to stick with 1/2 tsp. of each and sometimes less if we are making a more complex potion.  You can always reach out to us if you have specific recipe questions!

Do you have a potion I can travel with for optimal gut health? Thanks

Adaptogens and tonic herbs can support gut health, some like Reishi and Ashwagandha support gut health due to their ability to lower inflammation in the body. Additionally, Triphala is a wonderful traveler's tonic! We recently published two pieces on adaptogens that may support gut/digestive health, we recommend checking them out!   ADAPTOGENIC COCONUT YOGURT TRIPHALA TRAVEL TONIC

Which of your potions help with hormonal fluctuations/Menopausal issues? Thank you! 🍃🙏🏼🍃

Adaptogens and tonic herbs are wonderful support for handling hormonal fluctuations and menopausal issues. While we are not herbalists, we recommend looking at some of the below and consulting an herbalist if possible or continue to research them and go with what is best for you. Some adaptogens + tonic herbs you can look into more for this are... Ashwagandha Astragalus Reishi Pine Pollen He Shou Wu Yin Power Additionally this article from Kiana Reeves is all about supporting pelvic health and shares some supportive techniques: RITUALS FOR PELVIC HEALTH