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A simple and easy practice for beauty from within, Desirée Pais shares with us a Kundalini meditation that not only calms the mind but also makes the skin glow. A practice that only takes three minutes a day, this simple meditation is easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Over the last few years, my beauty rituals and tools have evolved ever since getting into Kundalini Yoga. I’ve been in the wellness industry for ten years, but it’s really the Yogic beauty teachings that excite me the most.

Many resources in the wellness industry tell us that beauty comes from within, but if you’re anything like me, I always had a bit of a hard time finding it inside. I thought, “hmm, within....where?” I knew that beauty was about confidence and self-acceptance but I had so many negative feelings, thoughts, and insecurities  about myself and not enough resources to change that. Deep down, and even if I felt like I was making this up, I knew that changing those feelings about myself would change not only my energy but also my physical body.

At the time, I could see the sadness, the fatigue, the unhappiness on my face, which was due to many reasons but cystic acne being one of them. I was determined to not just clear up my skin but also clear up my mind.

As time went on and I started meditating more and especially doing breath-work, which is one of the fastest ways to get clear + glowing skin, I noticed a huge difference in how I looked and felt. The radiance was real.

The more I began to study Kundalini yoga and Chinese Medicine (I just completed a Master’s degree in Acupuncture), the better I understood the connection between the mind, health and beauty. Our bodies are experiencing the aging process faster due to high levels of stress, which cause our glandular system, endocrine system and nervous systems to go awry. Our hormones, especially for women, are essential to staying and feeling healthy, radiant and, yes, beautiful. The glow in our face, the brightness in our eyes, our energy levels, metabolism, ability to stay fit and even our moods come down to how happy our glandular system / hormones are . When we’re stressed, it shows. When we’re happy, it also shows, and we radiate from the inside out.

One of my favorite meditations is the One Minute Breath, which helps to reduce stress, anxiety,  and all those emotions that cause our bodies to go out of balance quickly. I also notice that when I practice this meditation daily, my skin is noticeably clearer and has an extra glow to it. Adding the One Minute Breath into your morning and/or evening rituals is adding a powerful tool for radiance into your beauty kit. Here’s how to do this simple yet powerful meditation:

One Minute Breath

Suggested Practice Time - 3 minutes


Sit in a comfortable upright position

Bring the index finger and the thumb together to touch, and close your eyes

Take 20 seconds to inhale, hold for 20 seconds, and exhale for 20 seconds

Twenty seconds is the end goal, however you can start with five seconds each until you’re able to build up your lung capacity

Next, do 10 seconds each

Once you master 10 seconds, move onto 20 seconds and stay there, comfortably doing the One Minute Breath


Desirée Pais

At 17, Desirée Pais moved to New York City to study fashion journalism at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Bold and ready to learn, Desirée landed opportunities working for/alongside some of the best in the industry: BPCM, Natalie Joos, BlackBook Magazine, Refinery29, Medium Concepts, Isaora.

In 2010, Desirée became fascinated with the mind-body connection and began studying Yoga. She completed a 200hr certification followed by an advanced training in Hatha Yoga + Tibetan Buddhist lineages. Along the way, through a synchronous encounter with Daoist Grandmaster Sung Baek, he inspired her to begin studying Chinese Medicine at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine

In 2014 she found Kundalini Yoga + Meditation, which was life changing to say the least. Two years later, Desiree completed her third yoga Teacher Training, Level 1 Kundalini Yoga + Meditation with Harijiwan, Tej, Guru Jagat, and Gurujas in Los Angeles.

She currently teaches Kundalini Yoga + Meditation classes and workshops around the city and is Creative Consultant living in Brooklyn.